It goes without saying that authors adore readers. Not just because they drive our book sales but because they inspire us in so many ways. Whether it’s great book discussions on twitter or awe-inspiring, witty book reviews on blogs, readers let authors know that all those countless, caffeine fueled hours of staring at a blinking cursor were not in vain. They challenge us to make our work better with every retweet and Facebook like. Readers are truly an inspiration, and it’s about time we appreciate them.
That’s right! Next week is all about you, the readers. And while we’re busy giving away tons of fantastic prizes both on twitter and our blog hop, we’ll be introducing you to some of our favorite characters and novels. But let’s get to the good stuff first…the prizes.
What and How You Can Win:
There are two ways to win prizes during our YA Reader Appreciation Week. All week make sure to follow the Reader Appreciation authors on twitter because they’ll be giving away a ton of swag. Not only will you get exclusive content from their latest works, but by hitting follow on twitter, you could win a ton of free books and book-related awesomeness.
Check out the Twitter loot:
Tiffany Truitt (@tiffanytruitt) – ebook of The Language of Silence
Shannon Alexander (@shanlalexander) – 4 Teal Toes prize packs (teal polish & teal nail kit in a teal burlap bag) and 1 Ugly Cry Reader Survival kit (tissues & Amazon gift card)
Danielle Graham (@drgrahambooks) – 1 eCopy of Psi Another Day by D.R. Rosensteel, One eCopy of Will The Real Abi Saunders Please Stand Up by Sara Hantz, 1 Audio copy of NEVER ENOUGH by Denise Jaden, 1 eCopy of HIT THAT AND YOU’RE DEAD by D.R. Graham
But the fun won’t just be going on in the twitterverse. Each day of the hop, you can enter to win a HUGE, HUGE prize pack of awesomeness. How? Just follow the hop and…
Enter the Rafflecopter for these Prizes:
Ebook of The Language of Silence by Tiffany Truitt
Ebooks of Colors Like Memory and The Chemistry of Fate by Meradeth Houston
Ebooks of Model Position and Private Internship by Catherine Stine writing as Kitsy Clare
Ebook of Love and Other Unknown Variables and a handmade math book magnet by Shannon Alexander
1 digital copy of Psi Another Day by D.R. Rosensteel,
One digital copy of Will The Real Abi Saunders Please Stand Up by Sara Hantz,
1 Audio Copy of NEVER ENOUGH by Denise Jaden,
1 Digital copy of HIT THAT AND YOU’RE DEAD by D.R. Graham
Ebooks of The Vulcan Legacies Series by Sasha Hibbs
Swag bag of “Talismans for the Journey” inspired by the novel HOW TO DROP A CLASS & FALL IN LOVE by Lisa Brown Roberts
Now to the hop. Each day the authors below will be talking all things YA and NA. And having fun doing it.
Monday (9/22) is Man Crush Monday. Meet leading males of YA (& NA’s) hottest new novels.
Catherine Stine hosts Kate Jarvik Birch
Sasha Hibbs hosts Shannon Lee Alexander
Meradeth Snow hosts Sasha Hibbs
Lisa Brown Roberts hosts D.R. Graham
Kate Jarvik Birch hosts Tiffany Truitt
Shannon Lee Alexander hosts Catherine Stine
D. R. Graham hosts Meradeth Snow
Tiffany Truitt hosts Lisa Brown Roberts
Tuesday (9/23) is Transformation Tuesday. Find out how your favorite novels went from ideas to published works.
Catherine Stine hosts Meradeth Snow
Sasha Hibbs hosts Lisa Brown Roberts
Meradeth Snow hosts Kate Jarvik Birch
Lisa Brown Roberts Shannon Lee Alexander
Kate Jarvik Birch hosts Tiffany Truitt
Shannon Lee Alexander hosts D.R. Graham
D. R. Graham hosts Catherine Stine
Tiffany Truitt hosts Sasha Hibbs
Wednesday (9/24) is Woman Crush Wednesday. Meet the leading ladies of hot new novels.
Catherine Stine hosts Tiffany Truitt
Sasha Hibbs hosts Catherine Stine
Meradeth Snow hosts Sasha Hibbs
Lisa Brown Roberts Meradeth Snow
Kate Jarvik Birch hosts Lisa Brown Roberts
Shannon Lee Alexander hosts Katie Jarvik Birch
D. R. Graham hosts Shannon Lee Alexander
Tiffany Truitt hosts D.R. Graham
Thursday (9/25) is Transformation Thursday. Find out more about the lives of some cool authors.
Catherine Stine hosts Lisa Brown Roberts
Sasha Hibbs hosts D. R. Graham
Meradeth Snow hosts Tiffany Truitt
Lisa Brown Roberts Catherine Stine
Kate Jarvik Birch hosts Sasha Hibbs
Shannon Lee Alexander hosts Meradeth Snow
D. R. Graham hosts Katie Jarvik Birch
Tiffany Truitt hosts Shannon Lee Alexander
Friday (9/26) is First Look Friday. Get sneak peeks and exclusive content from our authors.
Catherine Stine hosts Shannon Lee Alexander
Sasha Hibbs hosts Meradeth Snow
Meradeth Snow hosts D. R. Graham
Lisa Brown Roberts hosts Tiffany Truitt
Kate Jarvik Birch hosts Catherine Stine
Shannon Lee Alexander hosts Sasha Hibbs
D. R. Graham hosts Lisa Brown Roberts
Tiffany Truitt hosts Katie Jarvik Birch
We hope you’re as excited as we are to celebrate some YA and NA Readers! Help spread the word and check back on 9/22 for the start of the bloghop and tons of chances to win great loot! But WAIT…you can enter the giveaway today by following our authors and helping to spread the word. Click on the Rafflecopter below to find out more!