DORIANNA is OUT! Plus, new profile spotlights

DORIANNA releases today!!! I’m so excited to share this novel with you. I’ve been inspired by A Picture of Dorian Gray for many years, and I really wanted to create a new twist on it with a female lead. I wrote the first draft a few years ago during Nano, and I’ve been working on it ever since between other novels.

If you like edgy love triangles and psychological horror,
if you’re intrigued by the idea of online meetup parties that get more and more out of control like a runaway rollercoaster, and you love a skeezy, carny boardwalk setting like Coney Island…
You just might get a kick out of this read!

You can buy the ebook here

Also, please help me celebrate by tweeting and sharing about the novel. I will be so, so grateful! Here are three pre-written tweets to make it easy:

DORIANNA is out! #YA twist on Dorian Gray. #horror #YA #DorianGray #ConeyIsland #meetup #LoveTriangle

Internet followers? Beauty? Power? It sounded good, until… DORIANNA a #YA #horror is OUT! Twist on #DorianGray

On another note, I made these two character profiles for Sienna and Caz from my new adult Art of Love series. What do you think?

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