My writing station |
I just got back from a writing retreat on Cape Cod. I go to a retreat every July and January. It’s an amazing, inspiring, informative, fun experience and it builds community. I often start the draft of a novel in July, and this summer was no exception. Finally, I had the time and peace of mind to plunge into an NA historical fantasy, set in the 1930s. I also had time to open a Pinterest account and create a board for my new novel. Why did I wait so long to visually organize my novel elements?! Wanna follow me there? I’ll follow you back!
At the retreat we do readings in the evenings,
Our gang |
and they’re always helpful. There’s nothing like running your newest work by fellow writers who you trust implicitly, to make sure you’re on the right track with a fledgling project. Each night someone makes a dinner. Good way to sample interesting food.
Emily’s veggie fest dinner
Other retreats and conferences that I recommend are Squaw Valley, the SCBWI Summer Conference out in LA (& winter one in NYC), the Mendocino Writers’ Conference, the Chautauqua conference & Southampton workshop. If you have the time, you could do a residency. I have a friend who liked Ragdale.
Emily and her coconut yogurt
with lemon zest! |
Stairs to beach |
Helen ordering pizza |
Maggie being writerly |
Have you attended a retreat or conference you’d recommend?
In June, I also taught at a writers’ retreat in Rosemont College for MFA students, which rocked the house. I got to try out some crazy-fun new writing prompts on them *insert evil cackle here*
My smart & uber-creative MFA students |
Rosemont gargoyles |
Some of the Rosemont teachers & faculty |
So, do you do retreats, conferences or workshops? Have you ever organized your own? If not, how do you refresh and relight your creative spark?