News, news, news!

This has been a busy time, and it’s only going to get busier! With good stuff. First of all, Private Internship, my new adult novel (sequel to my novella Model Position) is coming out on September 29th with Inkspell!
Also, I signed my YA contemporary horror, Dorianna with Evernight Teen!

Dorianna is a fresh yet toxic twist (think daisies, snakes and burlesque dancers at Coney Island) on the Oscar Wilde classic, A Picture of Dorian Gray. It’s a cautionary tale for the Internet generation. More on that soon . . .

Private Internship is . . .

In the meantime, I’d LOVE for anyone who’s up for it, to help me with my cover reveal (or release day blitz) for Private Internship!! It’s a really pretty cover, and I’m proud to say that I helped design it with the lovely and talented Najla who does the covers over at Inkspell. The cover reveal will be on Wednesday, August 27, but August 28 & 29 are fine days to post as well! (The blitz will be on Sept 29) Just fill out this easy peasy sign-up form here. Once you sign up, I’ll send you all the info you’ll need to post. (Plus you’ll get a magical chocolate sundae & bestie sticker)

What’s your news/obsession/thrill/fave summer activity, and how’s your July going so far?

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