New Year, new releases, new awards. Any new resolutions?

Dorianna wins it!

I hope you had a wonderful New Year’s. Last year, the hubs and I were trapped for two days in the Dominican Republic airport. Not a fun way to ring in the new year… except that I got a tons of revision done on my WIP as I sat, and sat, and sat there. I drank way too much burnt airport coffee, too. So, this year, we plunked in front of the TV and watched Anderson Cooper giggle over Kathy Griffin’s inane jokes and Pitbull shake his rabbit butt as he entertained Miami. On a higher cultural note, we binge-watched Dave Grohl’s TV series Sonic Highways, which I HIGHLY recommend! It’s a series about music and how it’s produced in various cities. I love Dave Grohl and his Foo Fighters, He’s a surprisingly good TV producer. Something about how real talent translates into fresh TV from someone way outside the stale Hollywood box.

On other fronts, DORIANNA my YA twist on Dorian Gray just won a BEST HORROR BOOK  award over at The Kindle Hub. Thanks TKH! I am thrilled about this! What a pretty gold seal.

On a third but as important note, today is Inkspeller Lisa Voisin’s launch of The Angel Killer, Book Two in her Watcher series. A dark, fast ride!
The blurb:
Now she’s found him again, all Mia Crawford wants is some downtime with her fallen angel boyfriend, Michael. But the call of duty keeps him away—from school and from her—with more demons to smite than ever.
When Michael is mortally wounded by a cursed sword, Mia must perform an ancient blood ritual to save him. But the spell exacts a price. Haunted by visions of war, torture, and despair, Mia discovers the world is in more danger than she ever imagined. Behind the scenes, an evil adversary pulls all the strings. After redemption, there’s Hell to pay.

A mini-excerpt:
Light from the near-full moon shimmers off the leaves of sycamore trees, and the scent of pomegranate hangs in the air. Though my footfalls are silent on the hard-packed earth, Hell is never far away. Nor is that blood-stained rack that was my prison for millennia. The memory of my master’s claws still stings my throat; the poison of his hate burns below the skin. Perhaps it always will. The only reality I’ve come to know is that my pain satisfies him.
   Anka sleeps on a grass mat, her lithe, young form curled into a fetal position on the roof of her family’s mud brick house. Strands of her long, black hair are stuck to her cheekbones from the heat. The girl is old enough to be married but will be taken to the temple of Seth in the morning instead. Rumors of her prophetic dreams have secured her place as an oracle. Such a gift interests my master too, and as influential as Seth is among the Egyptian people, he’s a false god, my master’s rival. A demon warlord just like him.
   Her father snores deeply, but the stifling air makes her mother fitful. The woman twists and turns. Does she anticipate me? I stand over the girl and contemplate how to take her without waking them. Their terror alone would sound a call to all the scavengers along the Nile, and my master wants her soul intact. More power that way. In servitude or sacrifice, souls are the fuel that builds empires.
   My hand hovers over her nose and mouth, and her soft breath tickles my skin. I could suffocate her while she dreams, a silent, seemingly natural death. Or I could carve out her heart, a symbolic gesture. He’d take pleasure in that. If I’m fast enough, she won’t have time to cry out or wake the others. I run my fingers over the middle of her chest and extend my claws.

Shop for The Angel Killer ebook at Amazon, All Romance, KoboThe paperback is at Amazon, B&N
See all of Lisa’s Books on Amazon and get the first, The Watcher for only 99 cents!

About Lisa
A Canadian-born author, Lisa Voisin spent her childhood daydreaming and making up stories, but it was her love of reading and writing in her teens that drew her to Young Adult fiction. A coffee lover, she can usually be found writing in a local café. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her meditating or hiking in the mountains to counteract the side effects of drinking too much caffeine. Though she’s lived in several cities across Canada, she currently lives in Vancouver, B.C. with her fiancé and their two cats. 

How was your New Years? Any resolutions? Anti-resolutions? 

News, more artsy images & stuff! Plus what are YOU up to?

Today is the last day for Private Internship’s YA Bound tour. Here are the last stops with a couple of really nice reviews and a character interview of my main players: Sienna & Caz:
Paradise of Pages – Review ***
books are love – Review ***
Reader Girls – Character interviews! Caz and Sienna
My Crazy Corner – Promo Post

Today’s Dorianna stop: my guest post on new twists to Dr. Faustus!

What are YOU up to in November? Doing Nano? If so, feel free to buddy me (CatherineStine).

YA Bound tour for Private Internship, plus special request: ebook to paperback help

This week is the YA Bound tour for Private Internship. One more big promo push for my beloved, troubled artists, Sienna and Caz in their sugar warehouse. And a personal request to all of you who are curious about, or already enjoy new adult lit. I’m not often this direct, but... Inkspell, my publisher can only release Private Internship in paperback if it sells over a certain amount for the first three months. I’ll be attending YAtopia June 2015 in Nashville and the RT Booklovers con May 2015 in Dallas. For that I’ll need paperbacks. Plus, I’d love to meet you-authors, readers. So, please consider buying an ebook!
Amazon, B&N, All Romance Ebooks, Kobo
What book bloggers are saying about Private Internship:
“A must read!” -Amazeball’s Book Addicts
“Sexy, smart, compelling!” -Booklover 
“Believable characters who show emotional growth.” -Summer’s Book Blog
“Could not stop reading.” -Christine’s Book Blog
***Also, the Dorianna tour hosted by Bewitching Books continues. The Rafflecopter is still open through NOV 24, chock full of great fantasy and SF reads from lots of authors, many in our community! To enter, scroll down. To check out the Bewitching Books Dorianna tour click here.
***A question: what promo do you do? What types of promo do you feel are most effective?
Here’s the YA Bound Private Internship Tour lineup:

November 3
Reading to Distraction – Review
A Book Addict’s Bookshelves – Promo
Undercover Book Reviews – Promo Post
Books Need TLC – Review
The Phantom Paragrapher – Review
November 4
Between The Lines – Review
Kelly P’s Blog – Promo Post
Victoria Simcox’s Blog – Promo Post
Mischievous Reads – Review
Reviews from a Dreamer – Promo Post
Musings of a Bibliophage – Review

November 5
The Caffeinated Booknerd – Review
Booksessions – Promo Post
Margay Leah Justice – Promo Post

November 6
Andrea Buginsky, Author – Promo Post
book lovers club – Review
Paradise of Pages – Review
The Phantom Paragrapher – Review

November 7
V’s Reads – Review
books are love – Review
Reader Girls – Promo Post
My Crazy Corner – Promo Post
Paradise of Pages – Review
YA Bound Rafflecopter:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

DORIANNA Tour Launches with Evernight AND Bewitching-2 giant Rafflecopters

The lovely Roxanne from Bewitching Book Tours put together a killer-diller tour for Dorianna. Bewitching tour stops are denoted in purple. Thanks, Roxanne! This includes a Facebook party on Oct 29 from 8 to 10 pm (Eastern Time) with two guests, Carolyn MacCullough author of  Once a Witch and Always a Witch, and the lovely Carlyle Labuschagne whose dark fantasy, Dead of Night launches this October (and of course, me, with lots of games and prizes). So, come join the party and check out the tour stops below. 

If you like the Faust myths, dark magic, get a tickle from nasty yet charismatic villains, a sizzling love triangle, if high school truly sucked at times, if stories set in skeezy beach towns like Coney Island appeal to you, and you like a breakneck roller-coaster ride in your read, then consider uploading a copy of Dorianna, my new twist on Dorian Gray for the Internet generation.

Also, mixed in with the Bewitching tour is the fab weeklong tour that Evernight Teen put together for me. Evernight tour stops are denoted in pink. Thanks, Sandra Pesso!

***BOTH tours have Rafflecopters with tons of great books, swag, even a free 25-page ms. eval. So make sure to scroll all the way down and enter both copters!
***tour links go live on the day they post***
October 27
Bookworm Babblings – Review
Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – Spotlight
A British Bookworm’s Blog – Spotlight
A Closet Full of Books  –  Spotlight 

October 28
Bitten, Shifted…The Not so Normal, Guest Post: The pleasures of horror 
3Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!  – Spotlight

October 29
You Gotta Read Reviews YA  –  Character Interview
The A P Book Club-guest post: top ten classic novels that blew me away

*****Also October 29 Live Facebook Party! 8 to 10 pm EST

October 30
Margo Bond Collins  –  Spotlight
Musings from an Addicted Reader – Author Interview
Mom With A Kindle –  Interview

October 31
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom – Spotlight
Sizzling Ya Reads  –  Spotlight 
Gothic Moms Reviews  –  Review & Guest post on hot villains
Willow’s Author Love Blog  –  Character Interview and profiles

November 3
Boundless Daydreamer –  Interview

November 4
Kayl’s Krazy Obsession – Review & Guest blog DOR PLAYLIST

November 5
D’eBook Sharing Book Reviews –  Guest blog

November 5
Book Purses & Reviews – Spotlight

November 6
Preternatura – Guest blog on Dreadful pleasures of Victorian & Contemporary Horror

November 7
Fang-tastic Books – Guest blog on new twists on Faustus

November 10
Books Direct – Guest blog

November 10
Shut Up & Read – Interview

November 11
Vivacious Hobo –  Guest blog

November 12
Share My Destiny – Spotlight

BabyCakes Book Blog – Spotlight

November 13
Once Upon a YA Book – Spotlight

Soaring Eagle Publicity – Spotlight

November 14
CBY Book Club – Spotlight

November 14
The Word at My Fingertips – Review

November 17 – Guest blog

November 18
Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock – Review

November 19
Coffee Addicts’ Book Reviews – Guest blog and review

November 20
Pembroke Sinclair – Interview

November 21
Geeks In High School – Spotlight

Musings of the Book-a-holic Fairies, Inc – Spotlight and review

November 24
ARe Café, mini Q and A

DORIANNA is OUT! Plus, new profile spotlights

DORIANNA releases today!!! I’m so excited to share this novel with you. I’ve been inspired by A Picture of Dorian Gray for many years, and I really wanted to create a new twist on it with a female lead. I wrote the first draft a few years ago during Nano, and I’ve been working on it ever since between other novels.

If you like edgy love triangles and psychological horror,
if you’re intrigued by the idea of online meetup parties that get more and more out of control like a runaway rollercoaster, and you love a skeezy, carny boardwalk setting like Coney Island…
You just might get a kick out of this read!

You can buy the ebook here

Also, please help me celebrate by tweeting and sharing about the novel. I will be so, so grateful! Here are three pre-written tweets to make it easy:

DORIANNA is out! #YA twist on Dorian Gray. #horror #YA #DorianGray #ConeyIsland #meetup #LoveTriangle

Internet followers? Beauty? Power? It sounded good, until… DORIANNA a #YA #horror is OUT! Twist on #DorianGray

On another note, I made these two character profiles for Sienna and Caz from my new adult Art of Love series. What do you think?

New book covers, image fest frenzy!

Especially since I’ll be doing NANO. I’ve been so busy teaching (which I also love) that I have not had time to work much on my work in progress, a paranormal historical about a young witch, who doesn’t even know she’s a witch at first… I blazed halfway through a manuscript during the summer, and lately my mind is turning back to it, a lot! Plus, I’m headed to a writing retreat weekend very soon at the very beach town it’s set in: Asbury Park. I can’t wait to be there when the hotels are empty and the beach is cold and desolate. Not kidding.

Do you like photos more than illustrations for covers, or vice versa? Are you doing Nano too? If so, you are welcome to find me over there and be a writing buddy. I go by CatherineStine at Nano. What have you been up to?

Spectacular Spec Fiction for you! Twisted Earths & Snow the Vampire Slayer

Time to start getting your Halloween-y creeptastic vibes on! Idea City is featuring two spooky reads. The first is the Untethered Realms anthology Twisted Earths, which just launched! The next is the sexy Farielle series, featuring the newly released book Two, Snow and the Vampire Slayer by Rebekah R. Ganiere.

Twisted Earths is a story collection by the Untethered Realms author group, and there’s a tale for every spec lover’s taste: space opera, ghosties, high fantasy, dystopian, dark paranormal, and well, just plain twisted! Upload your copy from these sellers:
Amazon, Smashwords, B&N, Google Play, iTunes, Amazon UK

And now for a steamy twist on Snow White: Snow and the Vampire Slayer by Rebekah R. Ganiere. Here’s the blurb, followed by a short excerpt:

Lady Snow Gwyn is tired of playing “mother” to her seven Vampire Slaying brothers. For the past two years, she’s yearned to be out there fighting at their side as they hunt for bloodsuckers in the black of night. Snow is as good a fighter as any man, but she wasn’t called to be a Slayer. A mere formality in her book.
Prince Sageren, Son of Lothar has spent the last fifty years in exile, awaiting the day when he can finally avenge his family and take back his throne. Barely existing, he’s forced to face his inner demons and the monster he once was, compelling him to vow to never drink from humans again. A simple enough task–until he crosses paths with a human who makes his fangs ache to drain her.
When Snow runs into Prince Sage on a late night trip to the woods, she’s torn between the urge to kill him and the desire to succumb to the feeling he stirs within her. And when Snow’s life is threatened by the same evil that murdered his family, Prince Sage must enlist the aid of Snow’s brothers to not only help him save her life, but to also regain his rightful place as King of the Vampires…    If Sage can keep the Slayers from killing him first.

Upload your copy from: Amazon, B&N, Kobo, All Romance Ebooks

Snow’s anger flared and she was nose-to-nose with him in a step. “You left,” she said. “I was trying to protect you from my brothers.”
  “I told you I wouldn’t be there. It’s best for you if you aren’t with me,” he said. “It’s safer.”
  “Fine. Then I’ll go.” Snow unlocked the door and stepped into the hall. Sage grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back to his room, slamming the door and pressing her against it.
  He stared at her hard and leaned in closer, setting the palms of his hands onto the wood on either side of her head. His eyes glowed with a beautiful light from somewhere deep within, but they were full of sadness. His arousal pressed into her. 
  “Don’t go.”
  Warmth rushed through her body, flushing her cheeks and pooling in her belly. The sensation tingled and excited her. His fingers skimmed along her collarbone. He drew her face close and pressed his lips lightly to hers. Fire bloomed inside. Her body betrayed what her mind told her not to want. 
  Snow’s lips parted and she lapped at his mouth with her tongue. He moaned low in his chest making her shiver. Sage wrapped his hands in her hair and crushed her into him. 
  Breaking his mouth away from hers, he kissed down her neck. She tensed as he reached her torn, but healing throat. His tongue slid tenderly over the still sensitive area. Her breathing hitched. The mixture of pain and pleasure blurred her senses. Her legs trembled and she pressed against the wood for support. 
  She wanted this. Even after what Sonya had done, somehow she still wanted this. Snow grabbed at his chest and he winced.
  “What is it?” 
  “Nothing.” He averted his gaze.
  She studied his face. “You’re lying.” A spot of blood blossomed on his shirt where she had touched him. “Sage, you’re bleeding,” she said.
  “It’s nothing.” He plucked the tunic from his chest and his face twisted into a brief grimace.
  Something pricked in her mind and she ran her fingers under the edge of his tunic, trying to lift it.   He planted his hands firmly on her wrists, pulling her fingers free. “Don’t,” he said through gritted teeth.
  Snow clenched her jaw and narrowed her gaze on him. “Take off your tunic.”
  “No,” he said.
  “Let me see.” When he didn’t move, Snow shook her hands free of his grasp, grabbed the V of his tunic, and ripped it down the middle.
  “Snow,” he said with an exasperated sigh. “That was a good tunic.”
  She stared in disbelief. “Those scratches, those are…” She met his eye. “You should be healed. Vampires heal quicker than normal.” He stared at her. “What’s going on? Why aren’t you healing?” she asked. “You’ve fed, haven’t you?”
  Sage pressed his lips together forcefully and crossed his arms over his chest.
  Her mind churned at the possibilities. What could have caused him to not heal properly?

About the author
Rebekah is an award winning author. Her novel Dead Awakenings, debuted in January 2014. Red the Were Hunter, the first in her Farielle Series, released in May. The second book Snow the Vampire Slayer released September 2014. And her trilogy The Society will be released Nov. 17, 2014 by Kensington’s Lyrical Press. 

Rebekah is the VP of Communications of the RWA FFP Chapter as well as a member of her local Los Angeles and Orange County chapters. In her spare time when she isn’t writing you can find her moderating on or hanging out with her husband, four children and her English Bulldog, rabbit, two bearded dragons, and two tortoises. The escaped snake has yet to be found.

Launch of Julie Flander’s Turnagain Arm & Brinda Berry’s Tempting Fate

Today, Idea City presents two new reads from talented authors, Julia Flander’s The Turnagain Arm, a prequel to her novel Polar Night, and Brinda Berry’s NA romance Tempting Fate. Coincidentally, both are in the suspense wheelhouse. Make sure to scroll down and enter both Rafflecopters for some amazing swag and books!

First up, Julia Flanders. Polar Night’s Aleksei Nechayev leaves war-torn Russia in 1917 and makes his way to Alaska. Settling at a railroad camp, Aleksei comes up against an adversary who seems to know the truth about the newly-turned vampire’s identity, and who gives Aleksei much more than he bargained for at The Turnagain Arm.

Only one passenger remains and exits.
The early afternoon full moon peaks through a shimmering snow fall as a shadow casts over each split rail. The wind howls, sweeping the cloak of a hooded figure. He follows   the tracks toward the distant saloon. A hulking man crunches through the snow, attracting his attention. Calling out to him in a foreign accent, the townsman stops in mid step. The stranger catches up and engages him. Until…

The man disappears under the stranger’s cloak.
Blood drips from his lips, and he wipes the remaining trickles from his mouth. After disposing of the body, the mysterious figure continues on his journey. He glides through the snow as if on a sleigh, leaving no footprints behind. Within a short period, he convinces Vasyl, the owner of the saloon, to hire him. Aleksei charms everyone he meets. But soon mistrust enters every tense line on Vasyl’s face as others disappear, and his wife falls under Aleksei’s spell.
The classic game of cat and mouse continues, but who will win? Is a mere mortal any match for Aleksei? A spark ignites within Alexei after yet another of Vasyl’s attempts to disgrace him. This man knows of me. He must be a witch. Aleksei laughs. You are no match for me or my plan.

Julie Flanders is a librarian by day and a writer the rest of the time. She’s also a television addict with a particular fondness for Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, and a slightly obsessive sports fan who cheers for the Ohio State Buckeyes, the Cincinnati Reds, and the Cincinnati Bengals. A life-long animal lover and animal rescue advocate, she shares her home with her rescued dog and cat.
Published novels include the paranormal thriller Polar Night and the historical ghost story The Ghosts of Aquinnah. Both are available from Ink Smith Publishing. Polar Day, the sequel to Polar Night, will be published by Ink Smith in January, 2015.

Julie is a proud member of the speculative fiction writing group Untethered Realms. Meet the rest of the group and explore their books at Please visit Julie at her website at or contact her at She can also be found on Twitter at @JulesFlanders.

to win one of two prize bundles featuring a $15 gift card and an ebook
copy of
The Turnagain Arm. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

***Next up, Brinda Berry and Tempting Fate!

Cover reveal for my YA Horror, DORIANNA and spooky Facebook party events!

Okay, drum roll… here it is, the cover to my forthcoming YA horror, DORIANNA, launching on OCT 24 with Evernight Teen!

Pretty yet spooky, huh?

Here’s the blurb:

Internet followers, beauty, power. It all sounded good. 
Until it transformed into a terrifying reality Dorianna couldn’t stop

Dorianna is a dark twist for the Internet generation on A Picture of Dorian Gray. When her father is jailed, her mother ships lonely, plain Dorianna to her aunt’s. There, Dorianna yearns to build a new identity, but the popular Lacey bullies her—mostly for getting attention from her ex, Ander.

Ander takes Dorianna to Coney Island where Wilson, a videographer, creates a stunning compilation of her. She dreams of being an online sensation, as she’s never even had a birthday party, and vows she’d give anything to go viral. Wilson claims he’s the Prince of Darkness and warns her the pledge has downsides. Dorianna thinks he’s joking. She has no idea of how dire the consequences might be.

Meanwhile, the Private Internship tour continues with Shades of Rose. Both Rafflecopters are still open, so go ahead and enter for mad prizes! Shades of Rose copter Here & Xpresso copter here.

I’m having a DORIANNA Facebook launch party on OCT 29 from 8 to 10 pm (EST) with Bewitching Books, which will have lots of Halloweenish touches. Guest authors who write creeptastic novels will help host: Carolyn MacCullough, who wrote Once a Witch and Always a Witch, and Carlylye Labushagne who writes YA dark fantasy! So come chat up the guest authors, mingle and win books by crafting clever answers to all kinds of wacky questions. As soon as we post the event link you are all invited.

There are other online parties afoot, too!
On OCT 16 from 9 to 10 pm (EST) I will guest host the Hauntingly Decadent Halloween Spooktacular. To check out or join the event, click here. 
On OCT 17 I play guest host from 4 to 5 pm (EST) at Ciara Knight’s Battle for Souls release day celebration. To join the party click here.
On OCT 30 I guest host from 9 to 10 pm (EST) at the Evernight’s Halloween extravaganza! Link TK.
Can you tell I LOVE Halloween?
What do you like about Halloween? About fall?

Cover reveal for Gears of Brass steampunk fairytale anthology featuring SA Larson & interview with Gwen Gardner for Ghostly Gallows

Get your
steampunk fix before GEARS OF BRASS releases in November!
 To enter for a copy, you’ll need to share the cover.  This can be on your blog, Facebook or Twitter. Each time you share the cover image, log it into Rafflecoper (#insert link) to
record it.  It will give you more chances
to win. The drawing for the winner will
be held October 27th.  Scroll down past Gwen’s interview to enter the Rafflecopter.

And now, Gwen Gardner talks about her Indigo Eady books, including Ghostly Gallows

Tell us about your main characters
Indigo Eady is a sixteen year old teen psychic and ghost whisperer. She’s American, but when her father dies she goes to live with her uncle and cousin in a small medieval village in England called Sabrina Shores. She was little prepared for how much spirit activity dwelled in a place so old, which leads to a lot of mishaps and mayhem! Simon Eady is her cousin and best friend, who is just starting to discover his own psychic abilities. Badger Bagley is Indigo’s love interest and Simon’s best friend. Together the three find themselves investigating the case of the missing paranormals.

In what ways do they change?
Indigo probably changes the most. Initially she took a back seat and tried not to upset the status quo with her so-called ‘gift.’ She was uncomfortable with her abilities because of bullying from those who didn’t understand it. But since it’s exactly the skill needed to find missing ghosties, she grows into her part in the investigation.

Give us your favorite line from your protagonist
“What do you mean by under the weather? He’s dead, how can he be sick?” ~Indigo, Second Death.

From an antagonist
She cackled humorlessly. “Not you, dear boy, though I daresay you will be scrumptious when the time comes. A nice pure soul is quite satisfying.”

An emblematic, teaser paragraph
I jumped to my feet. “NO! There must be some mistake!” I yelled into the room before I realized words had left my numb lips. Anyway, they were drowned out by a cacophony of voices erupting simultaneously. Lights streaked haphazardly around the room as spirits joined their friends in a maelstrom of objections, all heads and fingers turned toward me. The proceedings had turned into a truly English parliamentary mash-up of dissent and I feared I might be headed to the gallows for being an imposter.

What keeps you going when your inspiration flags?
I feel so lucky I can do this. When I was growing up, there were no expectations of me, except to go to work when and if I finished high school. So, I didn’t have any dreams until much later in life. When my husband first mentioned that I could go to college (I graduated at 41) I was flabbergasted. I could do that? My lifelong love of reading led to a love of writing. I started writing my first novel at 50. As any writer will tell you, writing is an addiction. I can’t stop. It’s such a high, even when the low times make me question what I’m doing. Bottom line is, I’ll never forget how lucky I am to have found something I love doing, perhaps more so because it happened for me later in life.

Best words of advice you ever received?
“Lower your standards.” When I first started writing, I was afraid to put a word down wrong. It made it nearly impossible to write a line or a paragraph when I was never satisfied with what I’d written. I joined a guided writing group and the hostess told me to lower my standards. Perfection comes with editing. You can’t edit until you write something. So I let myself be less than perfect. And anyway, I’m an imperfect perfectionist.

I wouldn’t say that I’ve received bad writing advice, but what I’ve learned is to be aware of the rules and guidelines. Just because there’s a rule doesn’t mean you have to follow it every time. i.e., I’ve read never use “I was” or  “there was.” Sometimes, though, that’s the only way to say it.

Can you offer writing advice to aspiring and new authors?
Writers are notoriously hard on themselves. Just get what you want to say down on paper, no matter how bad you think it is. Practice writing, share with critique partners, then perfect it in editing. It’s a process, so give yourself a break.

Which do you enjoy writing most: action, romance, setting, dialog?
Interior dialogue. Getting inside Indigo Eady’s head can be hilarious. She cracks me up!

A hint of what you’re working on next?
I don’t want to give away my theme or plot. Writers are a secretive lot! But I’m thinking of calling my next series, I’m So Scrooged. Clearly it will be a bit snarky *wink*

How is it writing a trilogy? Biggest challenges? Fun aspects?
The biggest challenge is providing back story without it being an info dump. Information dumps are boring to a reader so it’s important to give it to them in pieces they can handle, and that don’t slow down the momentum of the current story. A good rule of thumb is to not use more than a line or two of back story at a time. You can also relay it through dialogue. The fun aspect is using the same characters. You’ve been inside their heads, and you know their quirks and faults. And yeah, you love them like your children!

What is the most important theme of book one? Book Two?
In Second Death, book I of the Afterlife novella series, Indigo and her fellow sleuths don’t understand what they’re up against. The theme is investigating the disappearances of members of the Sabrina Shores spirit community. They have a small measure of success, but realize at the end there’s a lot they don’t understand.
In Ghostly Gallows, book II of the Afterlife novella series, the investigation deepens and intensifies as the sleuths finally realize what they’re up against. And it’s not pretty!
The Afterlife novella series is about investigating and finding missing paranormals. To go beneath the surface, the characters involved in the investigation each have their own reasons for caring so much about finding the missing spirits. Every incremental success is empowering to these teens as they’re still discovering their own self-worth. On a deeper level, the theme is about those of different backgrounds coming together in a cooperative effort for the common good of humanity.

Care to share a hint of what’s to come in book three?
Well, the kids come out alive. But let’s say that while Indigo stood before the spirit-judge Lord Greyheart, the peanut gallery was not sitting back quietly. The ghosties were taking odds and money was being exchanged down to the last minute as to how much trouble Indigo was in and what her punishment would be because of her questionable investigative methods.

Ghostly Gallows blurb
The case of missing paranormals is far from solved. Hundreds of Sabrina Shores’ spirits are still missing. In Second Death, Indigo and her friends escape an eternity underground in evil clutches. Back aboveground with a few missing ghosties happily in tow, one truth is painfully clear: the size of their problem is bigger than the village cemetery itself. Now in Ghostly Gallows, new information leads Indigo and her fellow investigators to the ruins of Gallowsgate Prison, long abandoned by everyone and everything except malevolent spirits. It’s not called Gallowsgate for nothing when the noose swings a little too close to home. 

Much to her chagrin, Indigo Eady is a celebrity among spirits. She’s the girl who can see and speak with them. She has a proven track record in helping spirits find their murderers, so it’s no surprise when she’s drafted onto the Missing Paranormal Committee. Who better to help them than the experienced teenage ghost whisperer- investigator and her friends? 

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Buy Ghostly Gallows Here:  Amazon / B&N / Google Play

Gwen Gardner is a native Californian living in sunny San Diego, where her love of reading and writing led to a BA in English literature. Life is now complete with her husband, two dogs and a daily call from her daughter. Since ghosts feature prominently in her young adult Indigo Eady Paranormal “Cozy” Mystery series and Afterlife series, she has a secret desire to meet one face to face – but will run screaming for the hills if she ever does. Gwen adores travel and experiencing the cultures and foods of different countries. She is always up for an adventure and anything involving chocolate – not necessarily in that order.

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