What are you reading? Avoiding reading? Watching?

What are you reading? What do you really want to read? What have you avoided reading that you should read? What are you watching on TV? At the movies? What’s your opinion of new shows like Revolution?
As for me, I’m very absorbed in Justin Cronin’s The Passage. I’ve never read a book this long (900+ pages!), and I keep being amazed that it’s totally holding my attention! Has anyone read it? What did you think? (No spoilers, please). It occurs to me that it’s had a huge influence on other plotmasters, including Eric Kripke, the creator of the new TV show, Revolution, where the batteries and power all blinker out in a post-tech world. But if The Passage just came out, that cross-pollination would be impossible, right? I guess it proves that ideas truly ARE “in the air”.

Which brings me to Revolution. I found that in the first episode, I was chuckling at the “wrong” places, like the scene where the militias and the villagers exchange fire. No, I’m not a lover of violence. It had much more to do with the fact that this battle seemed so predictable, and staged, and the villagers seemed so perfectly put together in their survivalist gear: patched American Eagle jeans and artfully sweat-dotted tee-shirts. Each woman had a crossbow a la Hunger Games huntress, Katniss Everdeen. Call me cynical, but these types of shows (and novels) need to go further than simply window-dressing a post-apoc, post-tech setting. The one shining gem in the first episode, for me, was the geek guy (worked for Google?) who was really out of shape but super-witty and charming in his dark asides. I am eager to see how this geekster does on a long, grueling hike with only a sinewy squirrel for dinner!

As far as other reading material, I am thoroughly enjoying a client’s middle-grade fantasy manuscript, the second one that I’ve worked on for her. I LOVE it when I can see how much better someone’s writing is getting, partially from my counsel. I feel like a proud mama bear.
As far as reading that I should be getting to? Well, I need to re-read Vonnegut’s BLUEBEARD, a wicked send-up of the art world of the sixties. I’m teaching this book in a few weeks, and I need to write up class discussion questions and essay prompts. So, it’s the surrounding work, not the book itself, that has me a little anxious.
Now, tell me all about what you’re reading, avoiding reading, watching!

3 thoughts on “What are you reading? Avoiding reading? Watching?

  1. Yeah, 900+ is a long story. If a writer can keep it going that long, that says something.

    I WAS avoiding doing a full read-through of my YA novel, but recently caved in order to plot the sequel. I’m only 1/4 of the way into it. 🙂

  2. I’m fascinated by middle grade these days. I think I burned out on YA with all of that fantasy and angst, so I can see why you’d be enjoying your client’s manuscript.

    Love your bright yellow blog! It made me feel happy this morning.

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